
Showing posts from June, 2022

unconsidered dangerous situations

you know what? it's not always the bad things, that lead to the bad things sometimes, the good things can lead to the same way not only the bad ones but also become dangerous things unconsidered dangerous things and you don't know about them unless you face them in your life since I was a little,  no one tells me that I'm wrong, false, bad, stupid, weak everyone always said that I'm right, strong enough, smart  oh, you're perfect, you're a good boy, you're the best and now it's very hard for me to criticize myself its almost impossible for me to accept the fact that I'm the wrong one,  I'm the one that makes mistakes, the one that should be punished, and I always deny it now, those you're right opinions, lead me to be a denial person, every time,  cause deep inside my heart, lying under my brain, there is an ego that tells me: I'm the perfect one. while I'm very far away from that and I don't know how to upgrade myself. since I wa...