unconsidered dangerous situations

you know what?

it's not always the bad things, that lead to the bad things

sometimes, the good things can lead to the same way

not only the bad ones but also become dangerous things

unconsidered dangerous things and you don't know about them unless you face them in your life

since I was a little, 

no one tells me that I'm wrong, false, bad, stupid, weak

everyone always said that I'm right, strong enough, smart 

oh, you're perfect, you're a good boy, you're the best

and now it's very hard for me to criticize myself

its almost impossible for me to accept the fact that I'm the wrong one, 

I'm the one that makes mistakes, the one that should be punished, and I always deny it

now, those you're right opinions, lead me to be a denial person, every time, 

cause deep inside my heart, lying under my brain, there is an ego that tells me: I'm the perfect one. while I'm very far away from that and I don't know how to upgrade myself.

since I was a young boy,

no one tells me to stop,

everyone tells me to go, to step up, accept those responsibilities, and take the next step earlier

I believe you can lead this team, you are smarter than others, and you're extraordinary

and now, I'm getting overwhelmed all the time, I don't know how to take a rest

I feel like I have to go faster, push the gas, don't give myself a break

now, every time I have a chance to go, I go, no matter what, even if my body and my soul tell me to stop, I can't stop, cause I don't know how to stop

now. every time I have an opportunity to take responsibility and lead a team, I take them all. Even if I don't have enough capabilities and competencies. Cause all that I know is I'm the leader, I'm the strongest, but I don't realize that I shouldn't sacrifice myself more than I can handle.

far before I grow as an adult person

no one tells me to hear, to listen, to watch carefully

they always asked me to speak, to speech, be an orator, debate, lead a discussion

you're a good speaker, you're an inspirational orator, what a great debate, I know you will win

that's why I always try to win every discussion, even if I'm the wrong one, cause I'm the best speaker

I can't accept any advice, I can't be an open-minded person, I'm not too fond of people's opinion

those behaviors, lately, create a boundary for me to grow, to be a better person

I can't be a good listener, I lack empathy, I can't feel other people feeling, I'm insensitive

from many years ago, until now

since people considered me Mr. Perfect

they tend to ask me for help, ask me for advice, push me to give opinions about their life, their problems, whatever they want to ask, 

they ask me about any things, even topics that I don't understand, or problems that I can't relate to!

please tell me what should I do, how about this, please help me to solve this problem, teach me these, can you help me to solve this problem

you know what? I can't solve your problem, and I have my own problems too, probably bigger than yours!

and since people considered me that I can, no one stands by my side when I have a problem, and none stands by my side when I want to ask questions!

no one accepts that I can't, that I'm in bad condition, no one there when I need a friend, no one there when I want to tell my stories, no one there when I need advice!

everybody needs and wants me, but is there any person who cares for me?

it's harder to get sympathy, care, or even just a friend to talk to if you're labeled as a Mr. Perfect

believe me! Oh, c'mon!

so, in the end, I hope that people stop to judge or labeling, and creating a stereotype about people

just treating everyone the same, as a human, don't be biased by their background and condition

treat people the way you want to be treated. take care of them, listen to their story, everyone, even the Mr. Perfect there. cause they need friends too, they need you too, just the way you need them, ok?

please, consider these unconsidered dangerous situations!


'Ata' ibn Abi Rabah reported that a man was praising another man in the presence of Ibn 'Umar. Ibn 'Umar began to throw dust toward his mouth. He said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'When you see those who praise people, throw dust in their faces.'" 

(Sahih Al-Albani)


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