too fall, too love.

i just haven't met you yet!
about love: 
some of my personal opinions,
many of my points of view,
all of me, for you.
I really hate the idea of searching for a better one. 
for if I do that, I'm afraid to find them ones.
here are some reasons, why im still waiting for you: 
you are a lady that I'm worth waiting for,

or if it ain't so, then im just a dumb. waiting for you, for no reason. and its a no prob, because im just a dumb.
god has no fair.
he let me fall in love with you,
while he doesn't give the same for you.

what in the hell does he want me to do with that feeling, then?
god is bad,
he let me fall too deep in the wrong ocean, drowning slowly to the bottom of it.

or maybe he actually, just do good instead,
for if i never drown to the wrong ocean, i never know which ocean i should dive in.
love let you do many magical things:
many sacrifices that you always wonder the reasons why; many actions that you never wonder how; and, many fates that you, at the end, will realize, that all of them, are very very wonderful.
do you know:
that love never need a reason,
cause it is the reason itself.
loving you, seems like consciously letting myself dive into the very deep, dark, unknown sea. 

and the only i can do next is pushing myself to believe that i'm diving into right one. 

and i have to repeatedly do that in a routine cycle, every single day, for the rest of my life, as long as i would like to maintain that full of risks feeling.
love kicks you out from worthy-unworthy logic. 
for every time it traps you, everything you do feels to be very worthy indeed.
if we never try, how will we know
baby, how far this thing could go?
give me a sign, if I'm on your mindI don't wanna fall in love alone
what if,
what if you are truly my destiny? 
and also, what if you aren't?
some very best things,
needs a long waiting,
i can't ever force angel to fall from heaven. 
instead, i have to wait her to do it herself.
there are twenty six letters in alphabet,
and I choose u (so far) to begin my life with.


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